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Scan books and printed text

Turn any printed text into a listening document

Poonam avatar
Written by Poonam
Updated over a week ago

Listen to any text from your physical book

To scan a physical book, you can simply take photos of a single or multiple pages and upload them as one cohesive listening document. Perfect for listening to a book or a long printed document.

  1. Using good lighting, open the app and tap Add.

  2. From the menu, select Scan Pages

  3. Point your phone camera at the page of text you want to scan. Be sure to include all the text on the page in the frame. You can disable the 'highlight' feature.

  4. Tap the circular button at the bottom to take a photo. Repeat this same step for more pages to scan. Tap Next

  5. From here you can crop, delete, or rearrange your scans

    1. To crop photos, tap the crop icon at the bottom of the scanned navigation bar (you may also the 'Skew' icon for unequal sides). We highly recommend cropping each photo as close to the text as possible to help the text render correctly in the listening document. Then, tap Save

    2. To edit a page with columns, tap on the 'Column' icon and adjust the margins accordingly. Tap 'Save'

    3. To rearrange photos, tap on the 'Thumbnail' icon. Hold your finger down on the page you want to move and drag it to the correct position.

    4. At the scanned navigation bar, tap the Kebab (3 dots) icon and several options will open for you (see the screenshot below):

  6. Tap Save & Listen to save the scans as one cohesive listening document in your library

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